Lands in Resistance: Illusion of Abundance
25 March | 20:00 - 22:30
Lands in Resistance brings you the voices of those who don’t wear suits or speak from parliament platforms. The voices at the frontline of environmental defense combating mining multinationals. The films ‘Illusion of Abundance’ and ‘Savanna and the Mountain’ both highlight the fight of affected communities to protect their ways of life, health and future, from Brazil to Portugal. This screening will show the first, check out the events for the second as well!
‘THE ILLUSION OF ABUNDANCE is not only a film about those who pay the high price of ‘development’ and ‘progress’, it is above all a film about the globalization of their environmental resistance and their conviction to hunt down misbehaving transnational corporations, wherever they hide.’
‘The community of Covas do Barroso, in northern Portugal, discovers that the British company Savannah Resources plans to build the largest open-pit lithium mine in Europe just few meters from their homes. Confronted by this imminent threat, the People decide to organize themselves and expel the company from their lands.’
The green transition is a hot topic. According to ruling politicians more mining is necessary to get lithium and other critical raw materials for the electrification of society and to boost our economy. The mining industry pushes for more extraction to fuel neverending consumption. A voice that is rarely heard is that of communities whose homes are invaded by mining. Yet they live the destruction, pollution and societal damage caused by it.
Proceeds from the screenings will go to communities fighting against mining. Both movies are introduced virtually by the directors. Stick around for an interesting conversation!
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