The right to say 'no'

We support communities’ right to say ‘no’ to mining and the system that makes mining necessary. In the Andes region and here!

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DocVille cancels the screening of pro-mining documercial ‘Not in my country’

DocVille documentary festival cancels screening of pro-mining propaganda film ‘Not in my country’ Docville cancelled the screening of ‘Not in my country’, a movie that criminalises local communities and activist that oppose destructive mining projects
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The Academic World Has Too Close Ties with the Mining Industry

Protests defending the Jadar region against Rio Tinto’s mining activities. The Academic World Has Too Close Ties with the Mining Industry Discrediting protests against mining is not the right path to a green future Peter
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Throwback: Stop #ExpresDefect Autumn Campaign

We have been in 2025 for a while, but it’s still worthwhile to look back at our CTRL ALT Delete campaign. We created unforgettable moments with Catapistas. We are pleased to share these memories here.
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Yuturi Warmi – Indigenous Women Resist Gold Mining

Margot Tjolle studied a MSc in Environment and Development at the University of Copenhagen. For her Master’s thesis, she went on field work in the Serena community with her two research partners, Filippo De Rossi
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Have you heard about

Products such as smartphones, laptops, printers..., have become an integral part of our daily lives.
However, the producers of these devices want to sell as many of them as possible.
Therefore, they often deliberately design products that break down faster and cannot be repaired or recycled. Both the consumer and the planet suffer as a result. The raw materials needed for this insatiable ICT hunger are extracted by the mining industry. Mining is extremely polluting with big consequences for the people and the environment. That is why we demand that our politicians urgently put a stop to the malpractices of planned obsolescence. Are you with us?

What do you know about mining?

There is an unlimited appetite for resources on a biophysically limited earth. The resource issues will be high on the international agenda in the next decades and plays, just like the energy shortage, a key role in the climate story. Play this video to know more.

Be part of the global challenge supporting our work

Catapa is currently working in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Find out more about the cases!




La Colosa, Cajamarca


Comités de Vigilancia, Cajamarca

Programa Sui Sui, Iquitos


Project Mirador