Call closed – ESC Volunteer Vacancies 2024

The deadline for this call has passed the 4th of June 2024 at 23h59. If you are selected for the interviews you will be contacted in the beginning of August. Please try to minimize questions, as there are a lot of interested volunteers. If you still have an urgent remark or question you can contact the relevant Catapista for the volunteering position you applied to:

If you want to learn more about CATAPA, feel free to browse our website.

Campaigning & Movement (pdf download)

Partners & Networks (pdf download)

Communication & Social Media Campaigning (pdf download)


CATAPA is a movement which strives for a world in which the extraction of non-renewable resources is no longer necessary. The extraction of such materials always entails major social and environmental impacts and fuels conflict. In working towards global social and environmental justice, we focus on mining issues (ecological disasters, human rights violations, etc.). In Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia we work together with grassroots movements and support local communities who are threatened by large-scale mining projects. In Belgium, we activate citizens to denounce the current overconsumption and overproduction of electronics.

Our main activities are:

  • Campaigning on the impact of mining and sustainable production of electronics in Flanders.
  • Supporting partners and local communities in Latin America that are threatened by large-scale mining projects.
  • Creating a movement around sustainable production and consumption of metals.
  • Networking, research & stimulating alternatives.

CATAPA is dependent on the work of volunteers – the Catapistas.


Our campaigns

  • The Right to Say No – Mining activities cause devastating environmental impacts and human rights violations across the globe. CATAPA is campaigning on the Right to Say No. Communities opposing extractive projects face severe repression and human rights violations. A just transition requires local communities having the decisive say over extractive projects within their territories.
  • CTRL ALT DEL – Stop#ExpresDefect – Our current linear model of consumption and production is a driving cause of the climate crisis. In this “throwaway” model, electronic products are designed to make repair difficult or unfeasible with limited life spans. This is planned obsolescence. The infinite supply of electronics is at odds with planetary boundaries. We cannot continue extracting more and more metals and minerals. Through our (mainly Dutch) Ctrl Alt Delete: Stop#ExpresDefect campaign we are activating Flemish civilians to advocate for strict regulations to ensure electronic products are eco-designed, repairable, and made to last.
  • BankswithoutminingBankswithoutmining is a newly formed working group aiming to push banks in the Global North to divest from mining activities. This initiative addresses the critical need to tackle the environmental and social impacts of bank investments in mining companies. Our campaign seeks to elevate mining issues in public debates, persuade investors to withdraw support from harmful mining practices, and form equal partnerships with organisations in the Andes and Europe to strengthen our efforts and create impactful change.

Our main campaigning activities are:

  • Our main campaigning activities are:
    • Raising awareness of the broader public: (social media) campaigns, educational activities, public actions, …;
    • Searching and supporting solutions & alternatives;
    • Collaboration & networking with other organisations that focus on mining issues, Degrowth and Circular Economy;
    • Advocating for an end to planned obsolescence via our Ctrl Alt Delete – Stop#Expresdefect campaign
    • Collaboration with grassroots organisations in Latin America, defending the rights of affected communities via our campaign on the Right to Say No to mining;
    • Push banks in the Global North to divest from mining activities.

Possible tasks and requirements

Click on the volunteer opportunity of your preference below to learn more about the possible tasks and requirements.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteer to support the CATAPA movement, and in particular the campaign Ctrl Alt Delete – Stop#ExpresDefect. The volunteer will be trained to think critically and spread knowledge of these issues and to encourage other people to become active citizens. The tasks are flexible depending on your learning goals and the needs of the organisation.

You will be part of our office team (4 part-time staff + 3 ESC volunteers + variable number of interns) which supports the work of the movement. Since CATAPA is a volunteer movement, you will be working in close collaboration with volunteers with a diverse and broad experience.  

Possible tasks

  • Help with the development and implementation of the campaign strategy, communication and tools for the Ctrl Alt Del – Stop#ExpresDefect campaign
  • Co-coordinate the Ctrl Alt Del – Stop#ExpresDefect campaign
  • Help organise movement activities such as the movement weekends (twice a year) or movement days 
  • Help follow-up the engagement of volunteers in CATAPA.
  • Help with setting up awareness raising and training activities for a variety of target groups (training or movement days/weekends, documentary screenings, workshops, info evenings, public actions, …).
  • Support the Right To Say No activities
  • Support the divestment campaign 
  • Some administrative tasks related to the daily functioning of our office with the possibility to get an insight in the management of a non-profit organisation.
  • Write, revise and proofread articles, blogs, educational tools and reports.
  • Possibility to develop and implement your own projects. 



  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Motivated to motivate others
  • Interest in learning about the social and environmental movement, planned obsolescence, e-waste and mining issues
  • Good command of English 
  • Independent, proactive worker
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to contribute to positive change in the world we live in
  • Team player with a flexible attitude 
  • Willingness to travel through Flanders and to Brussels
  • Age below 31 years, no residence in Belgium (this is a requirement of the ESC programme)
  • Agreeing with a flexible work schedule where you sometimes will work in the evening or in weekends since events and meetings often take place in the free time of the attendees and our volunteers
  • Ability to learn on the job and DIY spirit 

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge/experience on or interest to learn about:
  •  Implementation and coordination of campaignsDevelopment of campaign strategy 
  • Organising educational or training events and tools
  • Project writing and management
  • Volunteer engagement
  • Advocacy and networking 
  • Activist and movement organising
  • Circular and degrowth economy, environmental movements and/or social movements
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or Spanish

Interested or more information?

Please send your CV and motivation letter to at the latest the 4th of June 2024 at 23h59. If you have any questions concerning this vacancy, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

More information:

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteer to support the CATAPA movement, and in particular the Right To Say No campaign. The volunteer will be trained to think critically and spread knowledge of these issues and to encourage other people to become active citizens. The tasks are flexible depending on your learning goals and the needs of the organisation.

You will be part of our office team (4 part-time staff + 3 ESC volunteers + variable number of interns) which supports the work of the movement. Since CATAPA is a volunteer movement, you will be working in close collaboration with volunteers with a diverse and broad experience.  

Possible tasks

  • Participate in the follow-up of our partners in the Andes region through online meetings
  • Engaging in networks on social and ecological justice and defending our partners demands in these networks
  • Help looking for funds and campaign opportunities for our partners
  • Proofreading and contributing to fund applications and reporting of our partners
  • Actively participating and supporting the CATAPA working groups “right to say no” and “divestment”
  • Helping with the development and actions of the Right To Say No campaign
  • Assist in planning activities on the Right To Say No campaign, which gives the voice to environmental defenders from affected communities to share their stories and build international solidarity
  • Write, revise and proofread articles, blogs, educational tools and reports.
  • Support communication from and with partners in Latin America
  • Some administrative tasks related to the daily functioning of our office with the
  • Possibility to get an insight in the management of a non-profit organisation
  • Help organise movement activities such as the movement weekends (twice a year) or movement days  
  • Support the divestment campaign 
  • Help follow-up the engagement of volunteers in CATAPA
  • Possibility to develop and implement your own projects.



  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Motivated to motivate others
  • Interest in learning about the social and environmental movement, planned obsolescence, e-waste and mining issues
  • Good command of English 
  • Independent, proactive worker
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to contribute to positive change in the world we live in
  • Team player with a flexible attitude 
  • Willingness to travel through Flanders and to Brussels
  • Age below 31 years, no residence in Belgium (this is a requirement of the ESC programme)
  • Agreeing with a flexible work schedule where you sometimes will work in the evening or in weekends since events and meetings often take place in the free time of the attendees and our volunteers

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge about/experience in or interest to learn about:
  •  International Cooperation and Human Rights
  • Fundraising
  • Project writing and management
  • Organising educational or training events
  • Advocacy and networking
  • Volunteer engagement
  • Circular and degrowth economy, environmental movements and/or social movements 
  • Latin-American politics
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or Spanish
  • Volunteering experience

Interested or more information?

Please send your CV and motivation letter to at the latest the 4th of June 2024 at 23h59. If you have any questions concerning this vacancy, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

More information:

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteer to support the CATAPA movement, and in particular the communication within the campaigns on the Right to Say No and Planned Obsolescence. You will be working alongside our communications officer. The volunteer will be trained to think critically and spread knowledge of these issues and to encourage other young people to become active EU citizens. The tasks are flexible +depending on your learning goals and the needs of the organisation.

You will be part of our office team (4 part-time staff + 3 ESC volunteers + variable number of interns) which supports the work of the movement. Since CATAPA is a volunteer movement, you will be working in close collaboration with volunteers with a diverse and broad experience.

Possible tasks

  • Contribute in managing our social media channels and create content for those channels (Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn). We mainly communicate in Dutch, but also regularly in English and Spanish. 
  • Help with the communication and promotion for events. 
  • Assist with the social media aspects of our central campaigns. 
  • Help in keeping our website updated. 
  • Write, review and proofread articles. 
  • Create low-threshold graphic design (for example for a poster, a flyer or for a social media post). 
  • Support communication from and with partners in Latin America
  • Support the Right To Say No activities
  • Co-coordinate the Divestment working group 
  • Build and support the Communication Working group of volunteers with the help of the movement and communication officers
  • Some administrative tasks related to the daily functioning of our office with the possibility to get an insight in the management of a non-profit organisation.
  • Possibility to develop and implement your own projects. 
  • Possibility to support other working groups you’re interested in



  • Interested in learning about the social and environmental movement and mining issues
  • Good knowledge of English (written and oral)
  • Independent, proactive worker
  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to contribute to positive change in the world we live in
  • Team player with a flexible attitude 
  • Age below 31 years, no residence in Belgium (this is a requirement of the ESC programme).
  • Agreeing with a flexible work schedule where you sometimes will work in the evening or in weekends since events and meetings often take place in the free time of the attendees and our volunteers

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge/experience on or interest to learn about: 
  • Communication strategies and campaigns
  • Design and layouting 
  • Circular and degrowth economy, environmental movements and/or social movements
  • Volunteer engagement
  • Managing social media and websites
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or Spanish
  • Movie editing skills
  • Ability to work with a camera
  • Volunteering experience

Interested or more information?

Please send your CV and motivation letter to at the latest the 4th of June 2024 at 23h59. If you have any questions concerning this vacancy, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are selected for an interview, it will take place on the 24th, 25th or 26th of June, please keep that in mind when making your schedule.More information:

What do we offer?

  • A warm welcome in our horizontally organized movement with plenty of learning opportunities and new connections.
  • A dynamic & motivated team of employees and volunteers.
  • Monthly fee: cohousing accommodation of your choice (with a max. rent contribution of 500) and a reimbursement to cover daily expenses of €550.
  • A personal learning trajectory coached by one of CATAPA’s employees, one language course (Dutch, English or Spanish) and opportunities for personal development.
  • Work-related expenses are paid by CATAPA.

CATAPA is committed to diversity, inclusiveness and equal opportunity. 

! Important: This call is part of the European Solidarity Corps, a European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer in projects abroad. This means people based in Belgium can’t apply for this vacancy. If your current residence is in one of the countries in this list, then you are able to apply.

ESC Volunteer Vacancies 2023 – call closed

ESC Volunteer Vacancies 2023 - call closed since 23/07/23

The deadline for this call has passed the 23rd of July 2023 at 23h59. If you are selected for the interviews you will be contacted in the beginning of August. Please try to minimize questions, as there are a lot of interested volunteers. If you still have an urgent remark or question you can contact the relevant Catapista for the volunteering position you applied to:

If you want to learn more about CATAPA, feel free to browse our website.

Call overview:

Campaigning & Movement

Partners & Networks

Communication & Social Media Campaigning


CATAPA is a movement which strives for a world in which the extraction of non-renewable resources is no longer necessary. The extraction of such materials always entails major social and environmental impacts and fuels conflict. In working towards global social and environmental justice, we focus on mining issues (ecological disasters, human rights violations, etc.). In Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia we work together with grassroots movements and support local communities who are threatened by large-scale mining projects.

Our main activities are:

  • Campaigning on the impact of mining and sustainable production of electronics in Flanders.
  • Supporting partners and local communities in Latin America that are threatened by large-scale mining projects.
  • Creating a movement around sustainable production and consumption of metals.
  • Networking, research & stimulating alternatives.

CATAPA is dependent on the work of volunteers – the Catapistas – and a small staff team.

Our campaigns

The Right to Say No – Mining activities cause devastating environmental impacts and human rights violations across the globe. CATAPA is campaigning on the Right to Say No. Communities opposing extractive projects face severe repression and human rights violations. A just transition requires local communities having the decisive say over extractive projects within their territories.

CTRL ALT DEL – Stop Planned Obsolescence – Our current linear model of consumption and production is a driving cause of the climate crisis. In this “throwaway” model, electronic products are designed to make repair difficult or unfeasible with limited life spans. This is planned obsolescence. The infinite supply of electronics is at odds with planetary boundaries. We cannot continue extracting more and more metals and minerals. Through our (mainly Dutch) Ctrl Alt Delete: Stop Planned Obsolescence campaign we are activating Flemish civilians to advocate for strict regulations to ensure electronic products are eco-designed, repairable, and made to last.

Our main campaigning activities are:

  • Raising awareness of the broader public: (social media) campaigns, educational activities, public actions, …;
  • Searching and supporting solutions & alternatives;
  • Collaboration & networking with other organisations that focus on mining issues, Degrowth and Circular Economy;
  • Advocating for an end to planned obsolescence via our Ctrl Alt Delete campaign;
  • Collaboration with grassroot organisations in Latin America, defending the rights of affected communities via our campaign on the Right to Say No to mining.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteer to support the CATAPA movement, and in particular the communication within the campaigns on the Right to Say No and Planned Obsolescence. You will be working alongside our communications officer. The volunteer will be trained to think critically and spread knowledge of these issues and to encourage other young people to become active EU citizens. The tasks are flexible depending on your learning goals and the needs of the organisation.

You will be part of our office team (5 part-time staff + 3 ESC volunteers + variable number of interns) which supports the work of the movement. Since CATAPA is a volunteer movement, you will be working in close collaboration with volunteers with a diverse and broad experience.

Possible tasks and requirements

Click on the volunteer opportunity of your preference below to learn more about the possible tasks and requirements.

Possible tasks

  • Help organise movement activities such as the movement weekend in spring or movement days
  • Help follow-up the engagement of volunteers in CATAPA.
  • Help with setting up awareness raising and training activities for a variety of target groups (training or movement days/weekends, documentary screenings, workshops, info evenings, public actions, …).
  • Participate in / and coordinate working groups (Study and Lobby, Communications, Ctrl-Alt-Del campaign)
  • Helping  with the development and implementation of the campaign strategy, communication and tools for the two campaigns
  • Help out with organising our Speakers Tour, bringing environmental defenders from affected communities to Belgium to spread their story and build international solidarity.
  • Some administrative tasks related to the daily functioning of our office with the possibility to get an insight in the management of a non-profit organisation.
  • Write, revise and proofread articles, blogs, educational tools and reports.
  • Possibility to develop and implement your own projects.



  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Motivated to motivate others
  • Interest in learning about the social and environmental movement and mining issues
  • Good command of English
  • Independent, proactive worker
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to contribute to positive change in the world we live in
  • Team player with a flexible attitude
  • Willingness to travel through Flanders and to Brussels
  • Age below 31 years, no residence in Belgium (this is a requirement of the ESC programme)
  • Agreeing with a flexible work schedule where you sometimes will work in the evening or in weekends since events and meetings often take place in the free time of the attendees and our volunteers
  • Ability to learn on the job and DIY spirit

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge/experience on or interest to learn about:
    • Implementation and coordination of campaigns
    • Development of campaign strategy
    • Organising educational or training events and tools
    • Project writing and management
    • Volunteer engagement
    • Advocacy and networking
    • Activist and movement organising
    • Circular and degrowth economy, environmental movements and/or social movements
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or Spanish

Possible tasks

  • Participate in the follow-up of our partners in the Andes region through online meetings
  • Engaging in networks on social and ecological justice and defending our partners demands in these networks
  • Help looking for funds and campaign opportunities for our partners
  • Proofreading and contributing to fund applications and reporting of our partners
  • Helping with the development and actions of the Right To Say No campaign
  • Actively participating and supporting the CATAPA working groups “partner work, ” “right to say no” and “study and lobby”.
  • Help out with organising our yearly Speaker Tour, bringing environmental defenders from affected communities to Belgium to spread their story and build international solidarity.
  • Write, revise and proofread articles, blogs, educational tools and reports.
  • Support communication from and with partners in Latin America
  • Some administrative tasks related to the daily functioning of our office with the possibility to get an insight in the management of a non-profit organisation.
  • Possibility to develop and implement your own projects.



  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Interest in learning about the social and environmental movement and mining issues
  • Good command of English
  • Independent, proactive worker
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to contribute to positive change in the world we live in
  • Team player with a flexible attitude
  • Age below 31 years, no residence in Belgium (this is a requirement of the ESC programme)
  • Agreeing with a flexible work schedule where you sometimes will work in the evening  or in weekends since events and meetings often take place in the free time of the attendees and our volunteers

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge about/experience in or interest to learn about:
    • International Cooperation and Human Rights
    • Fundraising
    • Project writing and management
    • Organising educational or training events
    • Advocacy and networking
    • Volunteer engagement
    • Circular and degrowth economy, environmental movements and/or social movements
    • Latin-American politics
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or Spanish
  • Volunteering experience

Possible tasks

  • Contribute in managing our social media channels and create content for those channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn). We mainly communicate in Dutch, but also regularly in English and Spanish.
  • Help with the communication and promotion for events.
  • Assist with the social media aspects of our central campaigns.
  • Help in keeping our website updated.
  • Write, review and proofread articles.
  • Create low-threshold graphic design (for example for a poster, a flyer or for a social media post).
  • Build and support the Communication Working group of volunteers with the help of the movement and communication officers.
  • Support communication from and with partners in Latin America
  • Help out with organizing our annual Speakers Tour, bringing environmental defenders from affected communities to Belgium to spread their story and build international solidarity.
  • Some administrative tasks related to the daily functioning of our office with the possibility to get an insight in the management of a non-profit organisation.
  • Possibility to develop and implement your own projects.



  • Interested in learning about the social and environmental movement and mining issues
  • Good knowledge of English (written and oral)
  • Independent, proactive worker
  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to contribute to positive change in the world we live in
  • Team player with a flexible attitude
  • Age below 31 years, no residence in Belgium (this is a requirement of the ESC programme).
  • Agreeing with a flexible work schedule where you sometimes will work in the evening or in weekends since events and meetings often take place in the free time of the attendees and our volunteers

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge/experience on or interest to learn about:
    • Communication strategies and campaigns
    • Design and layouting
    • Circular and degrowth economy, environmental movements and/or social movements
    • Volunteer engagement
    • Managing social media and websites
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or Spanish
  • Movie editing skills
  • Ability to work with a camera
  • Volunteering experience

What do we offer?

  • A warm welcome in our horizontally organized movement with plenty of learning opportunities and new connections
  • A dynamic & motivated team of employees and volunteers
  • Monthly fee: cohousing accommodation of your choice (with a max. rent contribution of € 450) and a reimbursement to cover daily expenses of € 550.
  • A personal learning trajectory coached by one of CATAPA’s employees, one language course (Dutch, English or Spanish) and options to follow trainings to develop your personal skills.
  • Work-related expenses are paid by CATAPA
  • Volunteering contract: 4 working days/week (30 hours)
  • Starting date: 4 September 2023
  • Period: 12 months

CATAPA is committed to diversity, inclusiveness and equal opportunity.

Important: This call is part of the European Solidarity Corps, a European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer in projects abroad. This means people based in Belgium can’t apply for this vacancy. If your current residence is in one of the countries in this list, then you are able to apply.

VACANCY: Global Engagement CATAPA officer (GECO) Cajamarca, Peru


CATAPA is a social and environmental movement that uses a participatory and integrated approach to work towards a world without mining of metals and minerals and its negative impact on people and the environment.

In Latin America, CATAPA supports local communities that are (potentially) affected by mining in their region. Catapa’s focus is on stopping new big scale mining projects from executing. 

For the years to come, CATAPA is campaigning on ‘the Right to Say No’. Communities that oppose mining projects face severe repression and human rights violations, CATAPA defends their right to oppose and stop these projects. The Global Engagement Catapa Officer(GECO) will be an important link on the ground to make this campaign a reality. 

The GECO will follow up on the cooperation between CATAPA and the partner organization Grufides ( and support them through, among other things, the internationalization of the struggle against new mining projects. Grufides is based in the department of Cajamarca, in northern Peru. Grufides works on issues such as human rights violations, environmental protection and mining.

Grufides supports communities in a variety of ways. They provide legal guidance to communities that suffer from mining conflicts, work on combating climate change, perform water measurements in communities to verify pollution caused by mining, support communities in the field of citizen journalism, human rights education, environmental protection, etc. They also support women in their economic independence and focuses on economic alternatives to mining in the region. Grufides unites farming communities from different regions in the struggle for ecological justice and works to stop new mining projects in the region.

Currently Grufides has three ongoing projects with CATAPA: on climate change, water monitoring, and women’s rights. In addition, they have mostly large projects around legal support for human rights defenders/women. Currently, there are several emerging mining projects that threaten the Cajamarca region. Grufides is mainly active in the provinces of Cajamarca, Bambamarca, Celendín, and Cajabamba.

Tasks Description

  • Follow up on large-scale mining projects in Cajamarca (and by extension in Peru).
  • Provide external communication on local and national current affairs on mining, extractivism, and social movements. This can be done through blogs, news articles and photos on CATAPA’s website and social media. Inform CATAPA and its supporters about recent developments in these topics.
  • Deliver information and material to strengthen our campaigns in Belgium. Collect visual content and documentation on emblematic cases for the Right to Say No campaign.
  • Prepare new projects with the partner organization: Write funding applications in collaboration with our partners and help with the implementation, follow-up and evaluation of these projects. 
  • Contribute to strengthening the operations of partner organization GRUFIDES.
  • Consult and participate within the different partnerships, locally and internationally. 
  • Participate in online meetings with volunteers from CATAPA (Catapistas) and provide input on how we strengthen collaboration.
  • Share expertise within CATAPA with the partners. Give presentations and workshops. 


  • You are at least 21 years old.
  • You have a very good knowledge (spoken and written) of Spanish. You are fluent in Dutch or English. 
  • A link with CATAPA is a plus (e.g. you have been active with us in the past, you have collaborated in some way with us, you have written a thesis with us…)
  • You have social and communicative skills.
  • You function well both independently and in a team.
  • You are diplomatic and handle potentially conflictive situations with carefulness and discretion.
  • You show openness and respect for cultural differences and can adapt to different environments and organizational forms.
  • Knowledge of mining, social movements, gender, environmental protection or water pollution is an asset.
  • You are interested in an engagement within CATAPA upon return.
  • You are willing to familiarize yourself with the themes of CATAPA and the partner organization before your departure in Belgium and participate in various training moments, including the CATAPA movement weekend from September 30 – October 2, ’22.


Departure autumn 2022 (October/November). Will be for 1 year, with an intermittent evaluation after 6 months. You will be based in Cajamarca, Peru. 

We offer

  • Preparation before departure and supervision and follow-up during the stay.
  • Full travel insurance.
  • Visa refund.
  • A contribution to the living expenses (500 euros/month).
  • A contribution to the plane ticket to Cajamarca, Peru(€800 max). 


Send your CV and motivation letter to at the latest on September 11. We will invite the selected candidates within 14 days after the deadline for an exploratory meeting at the CATAPA office.  

CATAPA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion.

More information?

Contact or

Maria Hendrikaplein 5 bus 401   9000 Ghent

Study and Lobby Working Group Launch

We are pleased to announce the launch of CATAPA’s new Study and Lobby Working Group. The Working Group will produce cutting edge research and lobby on the following themes;


Research Theme 1: Planned Obsolescence: Ctrl Alt Del Campaign

Our current linear model of consumption and production is a driving cause of the climate crisis. In this “throwaway” model, the drive for limitless production and consumption of electronics places quantity above product quality.

Products are made with a limited life span (planned obsolescence) or the design makes repair difficult or unfeasible. Some products are designed to fail, with system faults purposefully incorporated to reduce their lifespan. This is a deliberate strategy on behalf of the electronics industry to encourage users to purchase ‘new and improved’ products. This is planned obsolescence.

Ending planned obsolescence requires policy change on the Flemish and EU level. The planet urgently requires strong politicians willing to take a stand against the electronics industry and implement strict regulation obliging multinational companies to produce eco-designed products. Electronic products must be repairable and made to last, instead of disposable products made to break down quickly and be replaced. 


Research Theme 2: EU Critical Raw Materials

CATAPA strives towards a world in which the extraction of non-renewable resources is no longer necessary. Achieving this requires a fundamental transformation of our society and relationship to nature. 

Under the guise of ‘green mining’, the EU’s Critical Raw Materials list outlines a strategy for the resourcing of over thirty mined resources, such as lithium, deemed ‘necessary’ for the green transition.

Securing such an increased demand for raw materials requires an expansion of mining operations within the EU. More mining will lead to severe negative socio-environmental impacts, such as human rights abuses, pollution and loss of land. The transition to renewable energy must be just. 


Research Theme 3: Right to Say No

A just transition includes local communities having the Right to Say No to mining projects. Under the ‘social licence to operate’ (SLO), a non-binding voluntary commitment to ‘good practice’, corporations are able to greenwash their operations. Local communities have no legal instrument to oppose unwanted mining projects. 

Where local communities resort to direct action to resist mining operations, they are dismissed, labeled as terrorists and face severe repression and human rights violations. 227 environmental defenders were killed in 2020.

Additionally, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement system (ISDS), embedded in international trade agreements, enables corporations to sue states, predominantly in the Global South, over opposition to proposed mining projects.

The ISDS system must be dismantled. Fairer, democratic consultation mechanisms must be adopted. Local communities must have the decisive, legally binding say over the fate of mining projects. 


Research Theme 4: Alternatives to extractivism

We’re living in an age of crises. The current mantra and false solutions of endless growth, consumption and subjugation of nature is pushing the planet towards socio-ecological collapse.

So, what is the solution?

To meet this moment, we must dare to imagine and embody bold alternatives such as Degrowth. Our economy must be based on social and environmental justice. We must repair our relationship with nature and recognise our co-existence within the web of life. 


Get involved!

Joining the Study and Lobby Working Group provides you with a means to improve your research and lobbying skills. Your work will support CATAPA’s vision and mission, and will be published on the website and social media platforms. 

There will also be an opportunity within the Working Group to develop other projects, such as an Open Journal, Book Club, Symposiums and more!

Sign up: 

Want more information? Contact connor.cashell[at]

Catapa communication education volunteer

Become a Communication or Education Volunteer!

Become a Communication or Education Volunteer

Would you like to be part of a volunteer team supporting the Communication or Education of some amazing social & environmental justice projects across Belgium and Latin America?

Become a Communication Volunteer!

Are you interested in social media, content creation or graphic design, etc? We are now recruiting for volunteers who want to help shape the communication strategy and output of CATAPA by being a part of our Communication working group!

Send an email to communication[at] introducing yourself.

Become an Education Volunteer!

Are you interested in setting up educational events and trainings, develop educational material, guide workshops, and much more, we are also recruiting for volunteers who want to help shape the educational strategy and output of CATAPA!

Send an email to education[at] introducing yourself.


We are looking forward to welcoming you in our team!