CATAPA’s new ESC Volunteers
This past September we welcomed two new members to our office. They are part of the European Solidarity Corps, a programme funded by the European Commission that brings young people the opportunity to volunteer around Europe in social and environmental projects. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.
This year, CATAPA is further focusing on the topics Degrowth and a Wellbeing Economy. We currently have two working lines: Education & Movement, and Communication & Campaigns.
I’m Connor, from Ireland, and I am gonna be working in the Education and Movement’s field. I studied BA Politics and International Relations and a Masters in International Development at the University of Sheffield. During my studies, I had been focused on neo-extractivism in Ecuador and alternatives to capitalism’s socio-ecological destruction such as Degrowth and Buen Vivir.

The ESC programme has provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute towards a cause I deeply care about, experience a new and unfamiliar culture, and push myself beyond my limits
I’m Laura, from Barcelona, and I am gonna be working in the Communication & Campaigns field. I studied Journalism and I recently finished a Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication. I had the opportunity to work as a journalist in Colombia in a media with a focus on Human Rights and, as a result of this experience, I want to focus my work on the defense of Human and Environmental Rights. Therefore, I believe that doing European volunteering in an organization that works with affected communities and fights for a greener and fairer planet fits perfectly with my objectives and my values.

The ESC Volunteering is the perfect opportunity to contribute to a cause you believe in, develop yourself in the personal and professional field, as well as to step out of your comfort zone and discover a new country, people and culture