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Mining in Colombia: meet the environmental defenders
25/03/2024 | 19:30 - 21:00
Carolina and Wilder, two activists from Falan, Colombia, are building a movement to defend their region against mining companies and their colonialism. They have the right to say no to the destruction of their region. Join the events during The Right to Say No Tour to hear about the experiences of these environmental defenders, how our “green” transition is impacting their lives and how degrowth might help their struggle.
Carolina and Wilder are here to share their experience fighting against mining in Colombia and how standing up for their rights comes with the risk and fear of being intimidated, stigmatised and persecuted. The Right to Say No Tour is meant to bring awareness to this injustice and to also provide a network of support for the environmental defenders so that, when they return, they do so with the necessary tools to protect their home!
Come meet Wilder for an engaging lecture followed by a Q&A session*.
Join us on March 25, 2024 (19:30 – 21:00) at University of Antwerp, Stadscampus – Zomaar een dak, Prinsstraat 32.
Participation is free, but make sure to register using this form:
*The lecture will be translated from Spanish to English, and the Q/A will be in English.
There is no place for sexism, racism, transphobia or LGTBphobia or other forms of hatred at our activities.