The Right To Say No Tour is back and this year, we will be receiving two activists, Carolina and Wilder, who are fighting against mining in the region of Falan, Colombia! There, colonialism is making a comeback – three mining multinationals are exploring the area in search of precious metals and, if they have their way, the land will be transformed into lifeless open pits. Any resistance is faced with harsh repression: these companies, together with the local and national government, employ intimidation and violence in an attempt to secure profits. 

Carolina and Wilder are here to share their struggle against mining in Colombia and how standing up for their rights comes with the risk and fear of being intimidated, stigmatised and persecuted.The Right to Say No Tour is meant to bring awareness to this injustice and to also provide a network of support for the environmental defenders so that, when they return, they do so with the necessary tools to protect their home!

Want to read up? We have articles!

Murder of an environmental defender
Threats towards Wilders family continue
How to convince a village to destroy its future
Falan: the village in Colombia where the colonial era keeps reocurring

The speakers


My name is Carolina Monje and I am a land defender. To me, this place is not only a geographical space but a home that holds our history, culture and traditions. I defend our territory because I believe in the importance of preserving our identity and the legacy we have inherited from our ancestors. My role in defending the territory is multifaceted. Not only do I work to protect our common good and ensure environmental sustainability, but I also advocate for the rights of our communities. As an activist, I take on the responsibility of being the voice of those who cannot be heard, fighting for the right to say “yes” to a future that respects our needs and values.

The right to say “yes” means empowerment for our community. I seek not only to preserve what we have, but also to ensure that we have the ability to decide our own destiny. I believe in self-determination and the importance of being the protagonists of our own history. Collaboration with activists from international organizations is crucial in our struggle/fight. Their support can help provide resources, visibility and diplomatic pressure to strengthen our position. Together we can build alliances that address the common challenges we face.

As I look to the future of our land, I see challenges, but also opportunities for positive change. I believe in the ability of the community and of activists and defenders to inspire meaningful transformations. With the continued support of international organizations and global awareness, I envision a future where our territory/land flourishes, protecting its cultural and natural richness for generations to come.


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Lands in Resistance: Savanna and the Mountain

De Koer Meibloemstraat 86, Gent, Belgium

You can sign up here Lands in Resistance brings you the voices of those who don’t wear suits or speak from parliament platforms. The voices at the frontline of environmental defense combating mining multinationals. The
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