Make a donation
Thanks to your donations we can work in a more independent way, support our local partners better and achieve more.
A contribution is welcome in the account number BE49 9795 2861 7871 in the name of CATAPA vzw.
CATAPA will use the donations mainly to support the partner organisations in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia in their fight against the harmful impact of mining. If your donation is specifically intended for a certain partner organisation in Latin America, please mention your country of preference in the message: “Bolivia”, “Colombia”, “Ecuador”, “Peru”. It is also helpful for the administration if you mention your national registration number (for Belgian residents).
All Catapistas thank you in advance for your donation!
You help protecting the Chocó Andino
The Quito community has created the #QuitoSinMinería campaign to allow the local population to decide on the future of their territory. With your financial support we will be able to continue sending financial resources to this project.

Fiscal benefit as from 2022
Supporting CATAPA with a gift will be even more pleasant from 2022 onwards, because from then on CATAPA will be recognised as an institution that may issue tax certificates for gifts. So if you make a gift of at least 40€ to CATAPA from the New Year (01.01.22) onwards, you will receive a tax certificate from CATAPA in the spring of the following year and you will then receive 45% of your gift back through your income tax (unless you have no professional income in the year of your gift). Do you live in another EU country? Then your donation is also eligible for a tax benefit, according to the regulations of that country.