Changemakers for Degrowth – Re-thinking (Metal) Consumption
6th October, 24th October & 21st November
Organized by CATAPA, this year the series of events will be dedicated to the topic of Degrowth. In three separate sessions (one online, one in Ghent and one in Brussels), we are aiming to introduce this year’s participants into the topic of Degrowth, the impacts of big scale mining and metal consumption (focus: our ICT), as well as equip them with the necessary tools and strategies to construct a more conscious and just society.
You can find the full programme below.
De-mine, De-growth and Move
As a global movement, striving towards social and ecological justice, CATAPA has long recognized the natural boundaries of our finite planet and continuously denounces the ongoing exploitation of non-renewable resources. By not only striving against mining, but also actively looking for alternatives to it, our movement demands putting the well-being of all people(s) first. Therefore, we want to be a driving force in the transition to degrowth; a socially just economic system, which represents an essential part of our vision and mission.
Provisional Programme
6 October 2020 (19:00 – 20:30) – Introductory Online Session
- Introduction to CATAPA
- Small presentation of the topic of the trajectory
- Introductory round for our participants
- Overview and planning of the trajectory
24 October 2020 (10:00 – 17:30) at Geuzenhuis, Ghent – Two content sessions and one interactive workshop
- Session on ‘Degrowth and Extractivism’ by journalist Nick Meynen
- Session on ‘Mining in Colombia & Cosajuca’s Biological Agriculture Project as an (Degrowth) alternative to extractivism’ by Jonas Adriaensens (CATAPA)
- Online Campaigning Training Session
21 November 2020 (10:00 – 17:30) in Brussels (exact location TBA) – A Latin American perspective on Degrowth and more
- Session on ‘Buen Vivir & activism strategies’ by Dayana Corzo Joya
- Degrowth best practices
- Games, discussions and more…
Optional: 11. – 13. December 2020 (Movement Weekend in Lokeren)
This is a weekend for everyone who wants to be more involved in CATAPA and see how we mix the concepts of Degrowth, mining and ICT in our working. Together we will brainstorm about future activities and take part in some movement-enhancing sessions, including a session on sustainable activism.
More information about this we will communicate soon via the Facebook event.
€10 (2 x €5 per training day): to cover lunch costs. (The price of the movement weekend isn’t included in this amount. The price for that will be around €35). You’ll receive instructions for payment after inscription.
For drinks we will ask €1.
How to inscribe?
You can inscribe yourself through this link
Keep in mind that places are limited. This means that we expect you to go to all three events (on 6.10, 24.10 & 21.11).
The two training days will be organized in line with the current COVID-measures applicable on Belgian territory. Most importantly: everyone will need to keep 1.5 meter distance from any other participant and wear a face mask at all times (except while eating and drinking when seated).
*All locations mentioned above are accessible by wheelchair, if you have other questions about accessibility please feel free to send an email to
*In this training trajectory there is no room for sexism, racism, trans- or LGBT-phobia and other forms of hate.

This event is organised with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this event are the sole responsibility of CATAPA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.